Sloths are pura vida!

PuraVidaSlolth (3) (Copy)

By Paul Gerace

Sloths are one of my favorite animals to photograph. They appear to be constantly smiling and their relaxed poses, to me, define the Pura Vida spirit of Costa Rica.
They appear to have no cares in the world and are never in a rush to get anywhere. They also don’t mind being photographed at close range.

It’s a special treat to fid a mother with her baby clinging to her. To watch her as she puts herself in position to have the baby feed on the leaves above is fascinating. Sloths mate only once a year and caring for the baby is the mother’s responsibility. Sloth babies are ready to eat leaves by the 2nd week of life. Their favorite leaves are those on the guarumo tree (Cecroia Peltata) and that is where I always find them.

The baby will spend up to its fist nine months with the mother until it is ready to move out on its own.
I have had the good fortune, twice and with much patience, to see a baby take its fist steps away from its mother. It climbed up the mother’s back and then onto her shoulder and out onto a branch.

Sloths give birth at the end of the rainy season when there is an abundance of leaves to eat. The baby is born with claws which enable it to stay attached to the mother. The fist few months it stays on the mother’s belly and then will attach itself to her back. They are well built to survive a fall as they have nine cervical vertebratae, which mean two more than humans, and most mammals.
We are fortunate to live in an area that is home to these remarkable creatures.

InFo: Paul Gerace –

Posted in Environment & Wildlife, Mammals.