How to get to Sierpe de Osa
The distance from Dominical to Palmar is about (55 km) 34 miles. Taking the Coastal highway, you will reach Palmar Norte within one hour. Once you get there, continue driving south, cross the bridge of the Térraba River, and then immediately turn right; keep driving for another (17 km) 10.5 miles, after you have passed through endless African palm plantations you will arrive in Sierpe.
You can also take a domestic flight from the Juan Santamaría International Airport to Palmar Sur and continue by taxi.
Buses leave regularly from downtown Palmar Norte.
According to legend, the serpent with seven heads came from the great lake and formed the Grand Sierpe River.
The small, quiet town is located about 30 km from the Pacific Ocean along the Sierpe River, just 15 km from Palmar Sur and a few kilometers from the Pan-American Highway and the Southern Costanera Highway. From San Jose the best way to get there is to fly taking a domestic flight from San José to Palmar Sur and then take a taxi or rental car.
Is the main access to the Corcovado National Park and the Isla de Caño Natural Reserve. It is located in the magnificent Diquis Valley and is a key river port, with commercial services, and many places to stay for every budget, including luxurious hotels. There is also a good number of restaurants and bars. The boat companies and hotels in the area pick up tourists wishing to explore the glorious Osa Peninsula.
This town is the gateway to the largest mangrove reserve in Latin America, located where the river mouths of the Sierpe and Térraba Rivers join. It is home to an impressive bio-diversity of native animals, birds and reptiles, including turtles, crocodiles, monkeys, alligators, frogs and many more. In addition to the mangrove reserve, offers wonderful fishing tours and diving expeditions.
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