A successful local media

A successful local media

Author: Carlos León

Marketing management is increasingly complex and technological, imposing innovative and creative strategies. At Ballena Tales, we enjoy talking to our advertisers, writters, and readers to hear their comments. It's nice to hear that magazines disappear from the distribution posts with every new print release.

A digital edition is published bimonthly, prepared with the professional input of a dedicated team of communicators, designers, webmasters, and experts in digital marketing.

The printed magazine is a local advertising medium focused exclusively on the South Pacific of Costa Rica and reached more than 5,340 readers. Online editions got the whole world, showing more than 70,000 globally accumulated views. Our target audience is potential national and foreign visitors, people who live in our destination, even passing through, and investors.

According to Google Analytics regarding our online audience, 68% are between the ages of 25 and 54, with the age group 25 to 34 standing out with 55% of the total. Women represent 60.6% of the total. And the English language is the one that predominates.

Among the market positions (in Market segments) are travel, food, adventure, travel tips to Costa Rica, real estate, vehicles, transportation, and professional services.

"We like to innovate" is our motto. To achieve results, we improve the beauty of the graphic design and content of the magazine in each edition. We also strengthen our robust web platform that accompanies and multiplies the presence of advertisers' brands.

One innovation was to incorporate a web link in the online magazine ads. In this edition, we innovate by presenting individual maps for Dominical, Uvita, and Ojochal. Please send us your observations and comments.

a successful social media

In the network of networks, we have achieved a prominent position in the South Pacific of Costa Rica, even above tourism companies nationwide.

Previous Alexa indicators positioned us globally in position 515,923, and being the 763 websites among hundreds of thousands of sites in Costa Rica, that was a reason for real pride. This also provides excellent quality backlinks to the websites of the companies that advertise

We are a green, positive, enjoyable, focused (our audience is the South Pacific of Costa Rica), and comprehensive media.

Select brands are present at Ballena Tales. CONTACT US, and we will gladly make an advertising proposal tailored to your needs!

What to do, Where to eat and Where to stay…

South Pacific Costa Rica Beaches

Looking for business directories, maps or other printouts? We’ve got that too!

Dare to Discover and Enjoy…

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Need help planning your next trip to Costa Rica? We look forward to help you!

Email: carlos@ballenatales.com
Phone: +(506) 8946 7134 or +(506) 8914 1568
Skype: ballenatalestravel

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