AUTHOR: Dagmar Reinhard
Every morning I prepare my turmeric- power drink. I know that turmeric has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, is supposed to release heavy metals in the body, and has positive effects on arthritis, heart disease, Alzheimer's, depression, anxiety... and even delays aging.
Turmeric works best in conjunction with fat and black pepper. You can also buy it capsulated at the pharmacy, but I prefer it fresh from the farmers market or from my own garden, where it grows and thrives.
Turmeric is a perennial, flowering plant, also called Indian saffron, and belongs to the ginger family. It occurs mainly in India and China. Marco Polo (13th century) mentioned its use, and there are also Sanskrit texts from the 5th and 6th centuries that describe turmeric.
The rootstock is processed into powder and used under the name Curmin for food dyeing. Interestingly, our indigenous friends from the nearby Boruca community also use curmin to dye their cotton textiles. As a spice, it is unknown to them.
Its centuries-old medical tradition should allow turmeric the right of wisdom of "who heals is right". Although conventional medicine is still looking for the effectiveness of turmeric, it probably would not have this status in Indian-Chinese medicine, where it is of great importance and is used against numerous ailing.
Turmeric is primarily a spice that can enrich your diet. It is especially suitable for savory foods and is therefore a supplement to salt and pepper.
You might know that salt is the blood pressure driver number one. By seasoning with turmeric instead of salt, the blood pressure may be reduced.
Many of you know the benefits of tea, tinctures and smoothies. We all have our own brew, here is my recipe:
Daxi´s Power drink
- 1 banana
- 1 piece of pineapple
- 1 piece of papaya
- Raw oats
- Honey, if desired
- 1 small turmeric root
- 1 piece of ginger
- 1 teaspoon of coconut oil
- 1 pinch of black pepper
- 1 big glass of water
Blend everything well. It tastes delicious and satisfies for various hours.
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