Ballena Tales Magazine and Travel Guide

The Anteater

by Dr. Fernando Riera
Photos by Claudia Langguth

Oso hormiguero Isla Violin (3) (1)The anteater (a species in the Myrmecophagidae family) is one of the most beautiful and interesting animals in the Costa Rican Southern Pacific area, but at the same time, it is one of the most threatened by deadly road accidents.

Anteaters are entirely insectivorous; they especially like ants and termites. They get them by digging and destroying the nests with their powerful claws. At that moment, the long, sticky tongue plays the specific role of catching hundreds of bugs at once.

It is common to see them on trees looking out for termites to feed on, and the prehensile tail helps them to keep their balance. Their skin is very thick and protects them from a variety of insects. They have a black and yellowish fur, which gives the impression of a dark vest over their chest. Their oral cavity has no teeth because they don’t need them due to their specific diet.

Anteaters are very sweet at first sight, but be cautious around them because their powerful claws can hurt you. They are capable of fighting and killing a dog. If you drive at night, be careful, and give plenty of space to the animals crossing the Coastal highway along Costa Ballena. You will be helping to reduce the death toll of the anteater species.

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