Lack of resources and infrastructure are most noticeable in two ways. One feels quaint, excited and, at times, adventurous. The other is frustrating and causes genuine concern. When that happens our immediate response is to want a quick fix. For example, “patch the hole in the road” or “send a message” to thieves. The truth is however, that sustainable development takes time. Potholes appear on the road because of underlying structural problems. A temporary fix will keep reappearing until proper support is built underneath. Similarly, until contributing factors like education, opportunity and disenfranchisement are addressed, one criminal will be replaced by another. The same goes for education, environmental protection and just about everything else. Sustainable solutions require a holistic view, consistent engagement and work best when they take advantage of local resources.
The SOMOS Foundation was created with that in mind. Providing consultation, mentorship, grants and capital, SOMOS supports all kinds of community development projects, helps better define their purpose and connects them to the resources they need. Eliminating single use plastics, environmental education, community security, youth-at-risk programs, English language development, violence and drug prevention, disaster relief, water management, animal rescue and many other projects make up a network of engagement, solutions and best practices. SOMOS also facilitates essential services like the Lifeguards and Ojos en la Calle, an anonymous reporting application that helps solve and prevent crime by collecting critical incident data from the public.
Join us!
You, too, are part of the solution! Let us know what organizations you support and believe are doing important work in Costa Ballena. If you are a business owner interested in corporate social and environmental sustainability, a tour operator looking to improve certified, sustainable tourism or a non-profit that would benefit from a sharper strategy, contact us! Together we will build the kind of resilient communities we, and the world needs!
CONTACT: Perry Gladstone at -
Perry Gladstone is a professional advisor and co-founder of the SOMOS foundation.