Last September, Ana Herrera was re-elected as president of the Association for the Development of Ojochal. She kept positioned thanks to her dedicated work for the AMO group, the Association of Women of Ojochal. Her team, consisting of 4 Costar Ricans and 3 foreigners is new.
Several projects are on her agenda; some of them are hampered by lack of funds: The pavement of Ojochals roads, the suspension bridge over the Balso River, relocation of the bus stop to the north side of the Ojochal’s entrance, road improvement around Tortuga, Ventanas and Piñuela beaches. The recovery of the Blue Flag for Playa Tortuga.Ojochal ADI recently obtained its legal status, and can now initiate the efforts to recover the bullring and the soccer field.
Ana is very optimistic; however, she says “Unity is strength. We need the support of all the neighbors to create the village we deserve.“