When we start buying and consuming sustainable products it is common to find information on what to avoid, like shrimp caught by trawlers, which I consider to be the biggest predators.
In the case of marine products, since they are from wild populations, it is very difficult to know if the products purchased support responsible fishing.
In addition to consumption preference, it is essential to know what kind of fishing techniques have been used. Although there are several, we will focus on the techniques used by the fishermen in Osa and look at some examples of species commonly caught with those methods.
The preferred technique is hand line fishing; it is the best way to catch the rose-spotted snapper (Lutjanus gutattus) and the Mexican barracuda (Sphyraena ensis). This practice reduces greatly the chance of accidental catches.
The second preferred technique is the use of bottom long lines; their hooks determine the size of the catch; therefore, juvenile fish won’t get caught. It is a good technique for catching Red snapper (Lutjanus colorado) and the Tallfin croaker (Micropogonias altipinnis).
Finally, try to avoid consuming the fish caught with trammel nets, it is a non-selective technique and harms all species and sizes.
Approach the fishermen in your community, they are very nice people, and they will be happy to provide you with fresh fish caught with a responsible technique and in doing so you will be helping the local economy.