Ocean Day Festival

Ocean Day Festival 2022 - All Ships Rise With the Tide

AUTHOR: Chiara Harter

The gigantic task of restoring and preserving ecosystems requires a selfless spirit of collaboration. This is why more than ten environmental organizations in the South Pacific of Costa Rica decided to join efforts to celebrate this year's Ocean Day Festival. The event was held on June 8th, the date associated with Ocean Day since 1992. On this day, the purpose was to pay tribute to the ocean and encourage everyone to act for its protection. Here's a throwback to this successful event in the installations of Uvita's market that brought joy and hope for the future of conservation.

Ocean Day Festival

Altogether, to go further.
The laughter was heard between cotton candy, face paintings, food, and ocean talks! Apart from the environmental and animal organizations, some craft stands and local food sellers were also there to support the cause.

Ocean Day Festival

The day was punctuated by various organizations' speeches about conservation projects in the area. One after the other, speakers passed in front of the microphone to deliver their messages to environmentally aware people who expressed their desire to get involved. Young and old alike were gathered on this day to celebrate the ocean's wonders. They learned more about how to preserve it while having fun with the different interactive environmental activities offered, such as the large painting canvas to be colored or the workshop to understand all types of waste.

More than 400 people were present on this beautiful day, which only increased the idea that humanity is on the right track to protecting and restoring the ocean. Together, evolution will go further.

Ocean Day Festival

A raffle with many prizes closed the day at the end of the day. These gifts were sponsored by: Tagua, Alturas Wildlife Sanctuary, Blue Zone Realty, Café Mono Congo, Citrus, Costa Rica Dive and Surf, Five Maes, Indómitos, Fragata Tours, Innoceana, The French Café, Life Power Yoga, Phat Noodle, Stam Café, Serendipia Hair Spa and Pandapanther Ceramics.

Ocean Day Festival

The warm atmosphere made it a successful Ocean festival, something to delight the caring community, volunteers, and organizations. One big thanks to all humans involved in this Ocean Day, specially to the organizers: Alturas Wildlife SanctuaryAmbiciOsas, ASOTU Parque Nacional Marino Ballena, Asociación de Pescadores de Bahía BallenaOsa ConservaciónCosta Rica Coral RestorationInnoceanaReserva Playa TortugaCosta Rica Dive and SurfMCEC InnoceanaUniversidad de Costa Rica and  El Mercado de Bahía Ballena.

Ocean Day Festival

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Posted in Activities, Aquatic, community, Costa Ballena, Environment, Events, Uvita and tagged , , , , , , , , , .