~ by Susie Atkinson
Want to experience something different? Try having lunch with our local native indigenous people, the Borucans. You can do this with a doable day trip to Boruca (see our website for directions, www.borucacostarica.org). The Borucans are mostly self-sufficient in that they grow most of their produce, beans, corn and fruits, as well as raise their chickens and pigs.
Everything is cooked from scratch, no processed foods here! On a recent 2 day trip to Boruca, we had delicious chicken cooked in a homemade achiote (annatto) sauce, a yucca dish, and a fresh green salad. Another meal, we had pasta with marinara sauce, rice and beans, and delicious patacones (a fried green plantain). Of all the meals, my favorite was Marina’s empanadas. They were absolutely fantastic!
Most empanadas are made with wheat flour, but Marina uses dried corn kernels, soaked, cooked and then put thru a food mill to make the masa (dough) for her empanadas, (This is how they can be gluten free!). This corn flour makes a superb flavor. She stuffs the empanadas with various fillers: chicken, red or black beans, potatoes with chicken or hamburger or like the way we had them – filled with just potatoes, sautéed onions, garlic, sweet red bell peppers and achiote paste. Yummy!
A visit to Boruca could include a tasty empanada lunch if Marina is given advanced notice. They would be served with a salad and refresco (a drink). Her homemade empanadas are a culinary delight!
You can also spend the night in bedrooms, in Marina’s house, that are set aside for guests. This needs a few days pre-arrangement. They are basic rooms, no Hilton here, however you get to experience the native village along with the crowing roosters.
Go visit!
- Lunch is $10/person. – A night with 3 meals and refreshments are $40/person.
- Call Marina (Spanish only) at 8780-8648 or Susie (English) 2200-5428.