Guardians of The Osa

Guardians Of The Osa

Author: Brad Dean

We are all defenders, protectors, and temporary keepers of this sacred land we call home, whether we know it or not. And with that tremendous responsibility, it’s important to understand what that means in our everyday lives.

For those of us who have been gifted the stewardship of this land as a birthright, and for those of us who are guests here, Bahía Ballena stands at the gateway to one of the most beautiful and bio-diverse areas in the world. It is a region that has a profound affect on the ecological balance in the world and it calls for our protection.

Ever- present challenges threaten its existence and delicate balance, and it’s up to us to recognize these challenges and do what we can to support those in our community who have made a deep and lasting commitment to protecting this great asset to our overall health and lasting existence as a planet.

One of those great challenges we face is the unchecked and rapid pace of urban sprawl that is actively taking over the area. In this historic time we can easily see the effects that irresponsible development has already had on our communities. Nationals are being priced out of their long held neighborhoods and we, as a community, are quickly losing the very spirit of the culture that attracted us to this region.

Now we can’t all be expected to know everything that’s happening in the area and have the time and ability to push back against irresponsible development.

Thankfully there is a growing swath of hard working, dedicated, and highly-organized guardians who are already active in their pursuit of protecting the limited resources we have available in this critically-important area of the world, and all they need is a little support from our community in order to help them continue on their path toward reclaiming the healthy future of this precious region, and subsequently the overall health and well being of our delicate planet.

It is said that we must all fear evil people, but there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good people. There are a tremendous number of thoughtful, kind, and “good” people in our community. This is a call to all of these people to denounce indifference and become more engaged with the beautiful Guardians that so desperately need our support.

Where do we find these wonderful Osa Guardians? They’re all around us. Check out the local message boards, ask a friend, attend a community gathering and introduce yourself to the people who are leading the charge. Even if all you have to give in the moment is a pat on their back and a positive word, these are the things that help keep their spirits and momentum moving forward. I can tell you with complete confidence that any kind words of encouragement and support will be received with open arms.

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