The DAWG Days of Winter, Fun and Funding
~ by Shawnell Parker
It was a clear, warm, and starry night, and everyone was dressed in its white carpet finest. John Chantry, the owner of the Bamboo Room, called me up to the stage and handed me two statuettes: a cat and a dog.
So, I started to thank everyone for the great honor of winning the DAWG awards.
Suddenly, fund-raising team leader, Kate Barr, interrupted me. It was an understandable mistake. Okay, so it might have had something to do with the “Salty DAWG” martini I had imbibed upon arriving at what was actually “The DAWG Days of Winter” fund-raiser. Fun was the word of the night.
The sold-out crowd was entertained all evening by a string of local musicians that donated their time and talents. The food was yummy, John and his wife Janet were lovely hosts, and their staff was really great. The donated raffle prizes were fabulous and helped us raise a bundle of cash.
The attendees were very generous; I think the martini bar probably helped that along, too.
DAWG has grown so much over the years, we have rescued over 1000 animals since our inception, and our annual operational expenses have soared to $25,000.
We only survive by donations from our community residents; so, fund-raising events are our life-blood, and the volunteers worked countless hours to make this event the huge success that it was.
So, what’s next? As successful as “The DAWG Days of Winter” extravaganza was, those funds won’t last long.
We are already planning our next event, our most ambitious ever, to be held in February. Just in case some of you missed the original or were there and you can’t remember, “Woofstock” will be a day of continuous music from multiple bands and activities for the whole family.
Mark your calendars and for the love of DAWG, join us.
INFO: Shawnell Parker –