Micro-needling, Dermapen or Collagen Induction Therapy

Micro-needling, Dermapen or Collagen Induction Therapy

Micro-needling, Dermapen or Collagen Induction Therapy

Author: Dra. Mónica Alfaro

The skin shows various signs of aging; some are more prominent in some patients, others on another patient. We all start to show at some point discoloration, saggy loose skin, volume loss around the eyes, the temples, jawlines, and the cheeks, fine lines, and deeper expression lines. Some of these signs of the aging face, which can become visible after 35 years of age, can be treated non surgically; others will require a little more work or a surgical approach. There are many treatment options to address these issues non-surgical, and a qualified professional will always be at the center of a successful procedure.  

The aging skin will start to look thick with uneven texture or tone; it will have visible pores and, of course, the dreaded lines that are the most common concern. Most of these issues are a sign of less collagen in our skin, which the body produces in insufficient quantity after we turn 30 years old. So how do we get the body to produce more collagen? 

The first and most important strategy is to have a healthy lifestyle and follow a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, some of them raw, a good source of protein, and reduce animal fat, sweets, and alcohol. Non-smoking is a huge part of preventing aging and many diseases, including cancer. 


results of the special treatments

Non-surgical treatments that can be performed right here in Costa Ballena can enhance your efforts to rejuvenate. Dermapen or micro-needling is an excellent treatment that produces collagen induction. In other words, it stimulates the production of neo-collagen by the body. A collection of 11 up to 96 tiny needles vibrate against the skin, causing a controlled injury that forces the body to renew the damaged tissue, in turn, building new collagen. 

This procedure is painless, performed after using topical anesthesia and lotion for a few minutes. It does show some redness the day of the procedure and the next. The results are visible the following week and keep improving for up to 4 to 6 months while the body produces collagen. Effects of this treatment are evident on your skin for a few years and vary according to your usual skincare regimen. Best results are achieved when a series of treatments are performed, typically once a month for three months.

Micro-needling also aims to uniformly deliver a variety of active components applied on the skin like vitamin C, E, A, peptides, ceramides, hyaluronic acid, among others. The concomitant use of PRP or platelet-rich plasma with micro-needling provides optimum results since both treatments stimulate collagen production by the skin. PRP makes an ideal complement to your micro-needling treatment. 

This treatment is also commonly used as an option for hair loss, treatment of scars from acne, surgical, or even stretchmarks.


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