Stories Painted with Light 1

Stories Painted with Light

A nation without visual stories is a country without history. From George Melies, one of the first visual narrators, to the modern film industries, where Costa Ricans begin to appear. The seventh art is consolidated in […]

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Environment Garbage Beach Playa Osa Basura Medio ambiente

Environment: Cleaning the Canton of Osa

The volunteers who participated in the recent Beach Cleanups along Costa Ballena enthusiastically agreed that they were incredibly interesting actions: «We collaborated with a meritorious initiative, met new beaches and roads, made friends and enjoyed delicious meals […]

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Rugby Team Costa Ballena Deportes Sports Uvita

Sports: Rugby in Costa Ballena

Are you familiar with Rugby? It is a high contact sport, created in England and popular in Europe, Asia, the Americas and Africa. It is the fastest growing sport in the United States and is […]

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Tara: A Sirena Saving Lives 2

Tara: A Sirena Saving Lives

Tara had just finished surfing at Dominical and was watching the waves and the sunset. It was after 5 p.m. and the lifeguards had already headed home for the day. Suddenly she noticed two people […]

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Costa Ballena Lifeguard, Salvavidas, Dominical

Beth Sylver: The Lifeguards’ Ambassador

Costa Ballena has come to greatly appreciate Beth Sylver´s dedicated input to improving the circumstances of the Guardavidas Costa Ballena Lifeguards. Beth and her husband, Gene, are from California where they used to produce fine […]

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El Camino de Costa Rica hiking caminata tour turismo

El Camino de Costa Rica

What began as a personal challenge recently became a record setting milestone for Lagunas resident Caryn Steele. After hiking the Camino de Santiago in Spain last year, Caryn decided to attempt the recently established El […]

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