Thanks to the efforts of FECOP and organizations that protect the waters of Costa Rica, the Tuna are back with a vengeance for sport fishermen.
I can remember just a few years ago catching a Tuna was a big deal and a real treat for our clients. Nowadays, the Tuna are plentiful, and we hope and expect it to stay that way for many years. It’s not so easy to consistently catch these beauties.
Often traditional Tuna lures like cedar plugs don’t work. As more people fish for Tuna, the fish get smarter and more selective. However, because we are in such a remote location in Drake Bay, the fishing pressure here is virtually non-existent.
When trying to locate the big schools of fish, it’s imperative to have state-of-the-art technology. The Garmin Radar on the Reel Escape can spot birds and other activity many miles away. Now to the catching part, the most important thing to remember is that the Tuna don’t act the same way every day.
We have all heard the expression “match the hatch.” This means you have to watch the behavior of not only the Tuna but also the bait-fish, birds, and other marine life that may be in the area. Everything offshore has a symbiotic relationship, when one hunts and feeds everyone hunts and feeds. The main thing to watch is the surface activity.
When the Tuna are feeding on top, they will jump 5-10 feet out of the water. When this happens, it’s an excellent time to cast top water baits. When the fish are less active, it’s time to switch to jigs or other similar baits that will run below the surface.
While the methods mentioned above produce fish, we catch the lion’s share on live bait. A Tuna can’t resist live bait dropped in front of their noses.
I hope this article has offered some interesting information for the incredibly exciting Tuna bite in Costa Rica