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Alexander Skutch, birds and much more

Alexander Skutch & wife, birds and much more

~ by Susana García

Alexander Skutch was the most famous Neotropical ornithologist of the 20th century.

After traveling to many Central and South American countries, he settled on a farm in Santa Elena de General that he called Los Cusingos. 

Here he wrote most of his extensive bibliography on birds and philosophy.

When he passed away, the Tropical Science Center took over this wildlife refuge where visitors can enjoy watching a wide variety of birds, gorgeous orchids and its House-Museum, which depicts the happiness that he and his wife shared for over 50 years. 

Alexander Skutch, birds and much more - Ballena Tales The Magazine

Just 31 miles from Dominical, in El General Valley, is the Alexander Skutch Biological Corridor (COBAS), where 8 communities are spread around the Peñas Blancas river at the foot of Chirripó mountain, the highest in Costa Rica. This river, which was awarded the Ecological Blue Flag, also has public gardens that are ideal for a family picnic and a fantastic pond for bathing. 

However, COBAS is much more than only Los Cusingos.

Here you can relax in the quiet rural lifestyle and find out the secrets of the indigenous petroglyphs that abound in this area. The symbols and drawings carved on the rocks show images like animals and very detailed maps of the water springs.

One can feel like a real Indiana Jones discovering messages from the past! York University, in Canada, found here, at 3,600 ft. above the sea level, the perfect place for its Las Nubes Ecocampus with spectacular views of the valley and the mountains, as well as hiking on its beautiful trails. 

On weekends, people can visit the Valle de Luna Aquarium, where the scorpion fish, among other wonders, will amaze you. 

If you want to get away from the heat of the coast and enjoy the peaceful rural hospitality surrounded by sugar cane, coffee, forests and lively streams, we welcome you at COBAS!

INFO: Biologist Susana García Blanco -

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