Materials La Costa

frente grupo materiales osa, costaballenalovers, puravida, ballenatales,materials,

by Dagmar Reinhard

On July 1, 2015 Materials La Costa opened the doors to its new hardware store close to Ojochal. The new branch is one of six of the Materials Group founded in 1998, which has its headquarters in San Vito de Coto Brus.

Mr. Helberth Ramirez, manager of the hardware store in Ojochal, is also from San Vito and is proud to meet the needs of Costa Ballena in the areas of hardware and home construction, with the highest levels of quality, innovation and service.

In order to simplify self-service the product range is exposed along wide corridors. The well trained team of 16 partners, including Harold who speaks perfect English, is able to professionally advise and facilitate your purchase. Don Helberth mentioned:

“We can help with contacts of construction professionals.”

They just introduced European product lines such as Italian fittings and Spanish porcelain floors; and adapting to a beach and ocean environment they are developing a product line related to fishing.

Materiales La Costa is known for good prices and punctual delivery.


Twice a year Materiales La Costa organizes an event, called the Red Week End with a festive atmosphere, featuring guest exhibitors and all their wide range of high quality products.

Take note of the next date: December 11th, 12th and 13th. Come and meet the partners in your project!

Read about Grupo Materiales La Costa>>>

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